Tradera Pay - FAQ


Every seller at our site gets access to our integrated payment service Tradera Pay. This is a collection of different payment options that the seller will be able to use without having to create additional accounts. 

Q: What is Tradera Pay?
Tradera Pay is a collection of integrated payment options on the site, these includes Credit/debit cards, PayPal, Klarna, Paynova and Swish.

Q: What does it cost for me as a seller to use this service?
There is no cost for you as a seller to use Tradera Pay and we have no plans on adding costs to the service. 

Q: Why do I have to wait 1-2 bank days to receive my payments?
All payments are processed by our payment provider so that we are in compliance with EU´s payments directive (PSD2). The handling time is the same as any other bank transfer. 

Q: How does this affect me as a seller?
Tradera pay gives buyers a larger pool of options on how to pay the items bought at Tradera without forcing you as a seller to create more accounts at different payment services. Enabling PayPal and Card payments makes it easier for international buyers to bid on your listings.

Q: How do I get started once I'm activated for Tradera Pay?
You will need to add either the bank account or PayPal address that you want us to send the payments to as well as a Swish number (if you want to enable Swish as a payment option).
Once this step is completed you are ready to sell with Tradera Pay.

This will also give your buyers the option of paying with invoice/in installments but you as the seller will receive the amount in full within 1-2 banking days.

We also handle the winners mail, check out, payment reminders and you can always see if the items been paid for in My Tradera.

Q: I prefer Swish, will I still be able to offer Swish as a payment option?
As long as you have entered a Swish number this option will be enabled for your buyers in Tradera Pay (Only for Swedish accounts).

Q: Do I have to have a Swish number to receive Swish payments?
Swish is the only payment option that we can't offer the service unless you have a Swish number.

Q: Will this require me as a seller to always choose shipping options with tracking?
No, since the items for sale at Tradera differ so much in end price we don't want to force you to use traceable shipping in every case, however we recommend that you use shipping options with tracking once the amount exceeds 200 SEK

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