How does the bid-ladder work?


The bid-ladder calculates the lowest possible bid. It looks like this:

Current bidMinimum bid
1-19 SEK1 SEK
20-99 SEK5 SEK
100-199 SEK10 SEK
200-399 SEK15 SEK
400-999 SEK20 SEK
1000-2499 SEK30 SEK
2500-3999 SEK50 SEK
4000-5999 SEK100 SEK
6000-9999 SEK200 SEK
10000+ SEK500 SEK

For example: If a leading bid on an auction is 18 SEK you may raise it to 19 SEK. Should the leading bid be 50 SEK, the next possible bid is 55 SEK.

An auto-bid does not have to comply with the bid-ladder as long as it is higher than the current highest bid. 

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